Saturday, March 13

Phobia In Voltage Testing

I’d heard some stories about technicians that have phohia problem especially in voltage testing. The reason why they had this problem was because they may had been accidentally shorted some of the testing points in the electronic circuits. The spark generated by the big filter cap or the electronic circuit section totally blown that had caused them not bold enough to perform voltage testing again. For your information, voltage testing can solve lots of electronic problems fast and if you did not use this method of troubleshooting, you may have a hard time in locating fault.

Now in order for you to gain back the confident of voltage testing, i suggest that you play around with electronic project kits first that use low DC voltage. Once you are good in pinpointing fault in DC circuit then only you move on to AC circuit. Your other option would be to get someone that you know to help you in this area. If you need to pay then just pay him to learn about the voltage testing. Once you are good in voltage testing there is no limit of electronic circuits that you can test thus finding fault faster than any other method

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