Tuesday, February 23

Automatic Headlight Brightness Switch Circuit

When you drive on the way most of time, you can see some drivers drive their vehicles with their powerful head lights.As a result of it we can't drive our vehicles because at that time we become blind,Some times it causes for various road accidents.So I have introduce a new circuit to switch your high beam to low beam automatically.when a vehicle comes in front of you automatically your head lights go to dim position.


R1 5K 1/4W Resistor

R2, R3, R4 5K Pot

K1 Low Current 12V SPST Relay

K2 High Current 12V SPDT Relay

S1 SPST Switch

B1 Car Battery

MISC Case, wire, board, knobs for pots

Q1 NPN Phototransistor

Q2 2N3906 PNP Transistor


1.S1 can on and off the circuit.

2. B1 is, certainly, in the car already.

3. Connection A goes to the high beam circuit, B goes to the headlight switch common and C connects to the low beam circuit.

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